Monday, October 19, 2009

Public Presentation and Hearing for the proposed IRR of RA9520

We are pleased to inform you that the proposed Rules and Regulations to implement the provisions of Republic Act No. 9520, otherwise known as the Philippine Cooperative Code of 2008 will be presented for public consultation.

In view of this development, there will be a public presentation and hearing of the said implementing rules and regulations (IRR) for cooperatives in Davao, SOCCSKSARGEN and Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao Regions on October 26-27, 2009 (Monday-Tuesday) at the grand Men Seng Hotel, Pichon St. (formerly Magallanes St.), Davao City.

For this reason, we are inviting at least majority of the members of the board of directors, members of the committees, and the general manager to attend and actively participate in this public hearing to present proactive. After all, the final IRR will form of RA 9520 in the implementation and enforcement of the latter.

A minimal registration fee P1,500 (live-out) will be charged per participant to cover meals and materials. For live-in accommodation, you may seek the assistance of the secretariat to facilitate your accommodation with the hotel. For this historic undertaking, it is very worthwhile to use your local coop education and training fund (CETF). For check payment, please pay to RCDC XI.

Be part of this historic event! Limited seats only. Let your voices be heard. Grab this opportunity to be part of crafting a new and proactive IRR for cooperatives. Please confirm your participation on or before October 24, 2009 at tel. no. (082) 222-7710/225-8064 or 300-8433 care of Ms. Margie A. Bauto.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

In Memory of Sir Chet Ancheta

Former CDA Davao Regional Director, Eustaquio A. Ancheta, had passed away last 15October 2009. At 71, he returned to our Creator after suffering from pneumonia. His remains lies at Angel Funeral Homes, Torres St., Davao City. Burial will be on 23Oct 2009 @ 2PM.

Last 14Oct2009, former CDA Davao Utility Worker, Bonifacio Cajes also died. The wake is in his residence at Poblacion, Carmen Davao del Sur.

Let us pray for the salvation of the souls of the faithful departed.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

How to apply online under R.A. 9520?

Getting Started

Visit (please use Internet Explorer) and click the Online Issuance of New Certificate of Registration link. The link will take you to the Registration site. Click the Memorandum Circular (MC) link to download the MC.

The Log-on page
Enter your cooperative’s CIN and click OK. A cooperative is issued a 10-digit CIN by your concerned CDA Extension Office. Make sure that the correct CIN is entered. Your cooperative’s classification must be “operating” to be able to proceed to the next stage. To read through the procedures, scroll down the text on the frame; or click the download link at the bottom of the page.

The Application Form page

If you have entered the correct CIN and your status is “operating”, you will be directed to the Application Form page. Enter the following information as discussed below.

General Rules

Do not use ALL CAPS, except for your cooperative name’s acronym.

Do not use special characters like * / # @ ! or space to begin a name or telephone number

For unavailable information in text fields, input “NA”. For number fields, input “0”. The system will prompt you if you have entered an incorrect character.

All the information on the application form is derived from the CIN database, except for the BIR TIN and the year for total number of members and Total Assets. You may enter new or update your cooperative’s profile. However, for items that need supporting documents like the Amended Name or Amended Type, your cooperative should present the necessary documents to your concerned CDA Extension Office.

How to fill up the Application Form
Name of Cooperative
Enter your latest amended Name here. Capitalize only the first letters e.g. San Pedro Multipurpose Cooperative. Do not put characters e.g. _ * / . @ # or space before the Name. However, the exemption to this rule is when your cooperative name starts with an acronym e.g. TOREDECO.

Cooperative Identification Number (CIN)
The CIN field is disabled because it is your cooperative’s unique ID and should not be altered.

Enter your 9-digit BIR TIN if available. Or enter zero if not yet available.

Total Assets

Enter your Total Assets as of 2007or 2008 or 2009. Type in the figures without commas, space or other characters e.g. 100000.35. Decimal point is accepted. Then click the dropdown field and choose the appropriate year. Your total assets year should be the same as your total number of members’ year.

Total Number of Members
Enter your Total Number of Members as of 2007 or 2008 or 2009. Then click the dropdown field and choose the appropriate year. Your total number of members’ year should be the same as your total assets year.

Email Address

Enter a valid or official email address of your cooperative. If not available, enter “NA”.

Person to Contact
Enter the name of the cooperative’s primary contact person. Capitalize only the first letters of first and family names e.g. Pedro San Juan.

Enter the designation or position of the Contact Person.

Mobile Number
Enter the mobile number of the Contact Person.

Area Code
Enter the area code for your cooperative’s landline number.

Telephone Number
Enter the landline number of your cooperative. Type in the numbers directly without a dash (-) to separate numbers e.g. 4456678

The Address Section
The address section is already predetermined by your CIN. The system already loads the region, province, district and municipality which have been previously encoded by CDA. If the address loaded is not updated or incorrect, you have to update it by following the guide below.

Street Address
Enter ONLY the street address (number, name of street or barangay). If street number or name of street is not available, enter purok, sitio or barangay.

Select the Region where your cooperative is located. Upon selecting the Region, you will notice that the page will flicker indicating that the Provinces which belong to the Region you selected are loaded on the Province dropdown field. By default, the region field is pre-determined by your CIN. For example, if your CIN was issued by Region 1, the default value of the Region field would be Region 1.

Select the province where your cooperative is located. Once you have selected a province, the page will refresh automatically indicating that the appropriate Districts have been loaded to the District dropdown list. You will experience a flicker but this is normal. The speed of the flicker also depends on the speed of your computer and internet connection.

Select the district where your cooperative is located. Once you have selected a district, the page will refresh automatically indicating that the appropriate cities/municipalities have been loaded to the City/Municipality dropdown list. Again, you will experience a flicker but this is normal. The speed of the flicker also depends on the speed of your computer and internet connection.

Select the city or municipality where your cooperative is located.

Select a sub-category or cooperative type from the dropdown list. The dropdown list contains primary, secondary and tertiary cooperatives.

How to Submit your Application Form

After completing the Application Form, click the Submit button. A Print Requirements link will then appear below the page. Click this link to view the requirements for the issuance of new certificate of registration and what to do next. Print the notice and include it in the documents to be submitted to your concerned CDA Extension Office.

Length of Registration Process
All requirements for online application must be submitted to the CDA Extension Office within 15 days from the date of printed notice at the concerned CDA Extension or Field Office so that the Sr.CDS of CDA can immediately act on the cooperative’s application form. Attach the notice to the documents to be submitted. Incomplete requirements would further delay the issuance of the cooperative’s new registration number and Certificate of Registration.

How to check the status of your application

1. You can check the status of your application by visiting the log on page and entering your CIN. There are 2 possible statuses for your application: 1) in process and 2) CoR for printing. You can print the notice by clicking the “Click here to print notice” link. You can print the notice by clicking the Print button or save by clicking the Save button.

If you are absolutely sure that you have not submitted any application yet and you receive this message, there is strong possibility that your CIN has been used by other people. Proceed to or contact at once your concerned CDA Extension Office and report the matter.

2. If you get the message below, it means that your application has been approved by the Sr.CDS and Supv. CDS and that your cooperative has been issued a new registration number. The CoR will then be forwarded to the Regional Director of your concerned CDA Extension Office for signature. To claim your CoR, visit your concerned CDA Extension Office and pay the necessary fees.

For cooperative banks and electric cooperatives, your new CoR will be signed by the Chief of Registration and the Executive Director.

Your coop is classified as Non Operating message

The registration system accepts only cooperatives which are classified as “Operating”. If you believe that your cooperative’s status should be “Operating”, print the notice and visit your concerned CDA Extension Office immediately and present the necessary documents. Applicant must submit proof of operation to the satisfaction of the CDA Unit concerned which need prior written approval of the Regional Director/ Executive Director using attached form as RR Form No 2. The following documents may justify reclassification to operating cooperative: Audited Financial Statement as of December 2007 or 2008, Minutes of the General Assembly meeting, copy of Certificate of Good Standing for 2007 or 2008.

You can print the notice by clicking the Print button or save by clicking the Save button.

Your CIN was not found message

There are 2 possible reasons why this message would appear. First, you have incorrectly typed in your CIN or you are a spammer trying to guess a CIN to illegally enter the CDA Registration site. If you are a legitimate cooperative with a valid CIN issued by your concerned CDA Extension Office, then the error is most likely caused by an incorrect CIN entry. Visit your CDA Extension Office if you keep getting this message to verify that your cooperative was issued the correct CIN.