Thursday, September 4, 2008

Checklist for the Registration of a Primary Cooperative

1. Economic Survey – 4 copies
2. Articles of Cooperation - 4 copies
3. By-Laws - 4 copies
4. Undertaking to Change Name - 4 copies
5. Undertaking to submit Reportorial Requirements – 4 copies
6. One (1) copy of the Name Verification Slip
Note: Forms #1-6 would cost P250.00
7. Bond for Accountable Officers - 4 copies
8. Registration Fee – 1/10 of 1% of the Authorized Share Capital or P500.00 whichever is higher
9. Verification Fee – P50.00
10. Indorsement from Cooperative Development Specialist II assigned in the area
11. Indorsement from the Government Agency concerned (if needed)
12. Certificate of Pre-Education Membership Training Seminar of duly Accredited Institution or CDA Regional / Provincial Office

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