Monday, September 22, 2008

Training Workshop : Empowering Cooperatives thru IT

The Provincial Cooperative Union of Davao del Sur had iniatiated the conduct of the above captioned training. Seventeen participants from the different cooperatives in the province had gathered @ Glorenz Internet Cafe, Digos City to join the intensive training -course. "As cooperatives join the path of modern technology, we need to equip our leaders with the necessary skills on IT" says Mr. Cesar G. Tabasa the PCU Executive Officer.

Joining the training also are representatives from the Provincial Cooperative Office headed by Sir Danny Cadungog ang Sir Boy Camporedondo; Cooperative External auditor in the person of Maam Vicky Gatmaitan,CPA and Party. The IT Training was facilitated by Mr. Randy A. Albores, CDS II and IT Manager, of CDA Davao Extension Office. The first day session was devoted to giving theories and hands -on exercises on Powerpoint 2003. The participants were glad upon discovering that they can be more effective as cooperative lecturers if they will create their own slide presentation. In fact, all of them were able to present their outputs. The second day was an enjoyable encounter with the Online Community in the sense that they were introduced into Basic Internet Operation. New topics were introduced such creating and using e-mail; chatting; and basic blog development.

"Patience...Patience...Patience" This is the official tag of the training. Learning is always fun and dynamic. The participants had made it by way of hands-on method. It is hoped that thru IT literacy the cooperative will be able to break barriers and beyond.

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